In 2014 new year New year resolution SG thankful

2014, the year of change

Time is the most priceless currency. It cannot be traded. It has a 50-50 chance of being good or bad. It is the most equitable currency -- everyone has it and it runs out at the same rate. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Ultimately, the biggest winners are those that make the most out of it. And as fast as 2014 started, it is coming to an end. Tick tock. Here's 4 things everyone can be thankful for.

1. That one person that you can be completely silent with and not feel awkward

A name should have popped up in your head immediately. You know who that special person is. A best friend, a partner or your sibling. A relationship so strong that it cuts through the deafening silence. When you meet someone new, there is this strong obligation to maintain a conversation to avoid silence. Silence is uncertain and uncomfortable with an unfamiliar person. But when you are with that special person, you unknowingly fall back into silence and it is okay. Silence becomes your universally understood norm. It is not that you ran out of things to say, but it feels so good just to bask in the company of this special person. 

Before the year ends, tell that special someone how much you love him/her and how special he/she is :) 

2. The bunch of goofballs that makes you feel free to be yourself

When I was just a girl (sounds so cliche writing that down), a wise man told me that it would get harder and harder to find true friends that you will be close to and it couldn't be more true. For me, 2014 was the year of transiting from a student to a working adult. New relationships come with different expectations and take time to build trust and rapport too. 

You behave differently to portray an older and more mature version of you. Yet deep down, you are still the same goofball. Somehow only a select group of friends can unlock this other side of you. Hanging out feels so... Fun! So many things to do, so many things to try. Taking a grad trip, going on a holiday, going for a photoshoot, getting wasted, trying a new restaurant. You get my point. To all these heroes who remind us of who we really and keep us sane, cheers! Here's to never growing old and to more fun-filled adventures. 2015 will only get better ;)

3. New exciting experiences

What you decide to do today determines who you will be tomorrow. Each day I ask myself if life was to end now, would I have peace in my heart knowing it was the life I wanted. I am still finding my way too. Along the path to fulfillment, we try that few extra things. A new job, a new hobby, a new first, a new beginning. Each experience helping us grow to be a better person, a better human, a better friend, a better worker, a better soul. Give yourself a pat on the back for putting yourself out there! These experiences will forever be kept in your very own hall of fame. 

4. The rain clouds and thunder storms.

We always remember the good times but forget the bad. What we don't realize is that there is always a silver lining in everything we do. When one door closes, many more open. These very heartaches are the ones that provide perspective on how amazing our lives are. Imagine placing a white paper next to another white one. You never really know how white a paper is unless you have something to compare it to, in this case - a black piece of paper. Well, there are 50 shades of grey right! Heh. 

To the job seekers, have faith and keep pushing till you find the right job. When i was at my lowest, someone inspired me with his story. Here's mine in a summary. To many, I am the lucky one who had a job before graduation. What they didn't see was the process of even getting that internship. I applied for my internship 7 months before the actual start date. There were several rounds involved. After the first round,I didn't hear from them for months. I called, I waited, I gave up. I went out seeking for others. I tried looking into positions at agencies and non-marketing departments but the result were all the same. I was 4 weeks away from summer and was resigned to not having an internship that year. Fate has a funny way of working things out just fine. Right before exams, I received a call from my dream company. Right then, I received another call from another company I loved! Right when you think everything is not going to work out, fate picks itself up. Have a little faith, try a little harder :)

With just a few days before the end of 2014, take the next few days to complete all that you had set out to do for the year. The year is not done, keep writing and creating new stories for 2014. See you on the other side everyone! :)

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